Where life and love collide to create unforgettable books, you won't soon forget.

Carol Williams has lived in Crystal Lake most of her life. She got a job at the small clinic, not long after she finished her nursing degree years ago. Is now raising her children in the town she loves. Doing it alone, after a nasty divorce, and doing the best she can to make it all work for them.
When the ever-dashing Robert Banks moves in next-door, life as she once knew it all changes. The man is infuriating and messing with her in ways she never dreamed of. One minute he’s friendly and interested in maybe something more, the next he’s telling her he can’t offer her more than his friendship.
She doesn’t have time to deal with a man like him, so she decides to do her best to move on. Which seems to be when Robert realizes he’s making a huge mistake, but for the life of him isn’t sure how to fix it. And even when he thinks he has figured out how, it all seems to be falling apart around them.
Will they figure it out, before one of them gets hurt so bad, that it can’t be fixed? What obstacles will get thrown in the mix to bring them together, while showing them life sometimes works out better than you first believed it would? Is it even a possibility, when the two people involved seem to never get that happy ending, like everyone else around them has suddenly found?